
Activities due to COVID-19

Current Situation at M&C

Our top priority continues to be the highest possible protection of health – not only of our own employees, but also that of our contact partners outside the M&C Group and its facilities. Of course, we also want to ensure that M&C maintains its operational capability and remains constantly available for its business partners.

Many M&C employees have already been vaccinated or are currently receiving their vaccinations gradually from our company doctor. Irrespective of this and the current relaxation, we nevertheless want to maintain a special level of caution.

Important keywords in our internal conduct area continue to be strict distance regulations, the avoidance of touching such as shaking hands, the permanent use of mouth/nose masks on the company premises, good room ventilation at specified narrow intervals, etc.

Accompanying measures continue to include restrictive visiting regulations at all M&C Group locations as well as more deliberately planned travel activities of our sales representatives and service specialists. We have therefore developed and implemented our own internal regulations irrespective of the official provisions.

Further elements of the comprehensive protection concept are the immediate obligation to report illnesses in the vicinity of employees, particularly extensive hygiene regulations including the enhanced cleaning of buildings, and other reasonable measures recommended by relevant medical and administrative authorities. This still includes strict and tightly defined rules for minimized internal meetings and working groups. These regulations, which have been in place for some time, will also apply during the coming summer months.

We hope that this comprehensive safety package will continue to provide a good contribution to achieving effective protection for the M&C team and all our contact partners.

Deliveries to Customer Companies

In addition to the health and social systems, the economic systems of almost all countries of the world are increasingly affected to a greater or lesser extent by the effects of the corona virus. Disturbed operational processes, but also impaired logistics chains with delivery disruptions are the direct consequences of the current virus spread.

Today we would like to point out that M&C continues to give high priority to supplying our customer companies. We are aware that this decision is in the special economic interest of all customers of the M&C Group and have so far succeeded in meeting our delivery targets.

M&C has not introduced any short-time working across the whole company group and, based on the safety measures implemented, does not see any need for this in the coming months either. The M&C Group is economically stable and continues to pursue its objectives and internal projects without restrictions.

The measures described above will be revoked if the overall situation allows this with certainty. Until then we are working consistently to remain a reliable and secure market partner.

We sincerely wish all our customers, market partners, service providers and other reference groups - as well as our employees of course - good overall health and above all infection-free summer months. In the interest of everybody, we hope that the period of risk will only be of short duration. All the best for you!

Further Topics of Interest

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