1. Scope of Application
The following Terms of Service shall apply to service works such as start of operation, maintenance and/or repairs if they are carried out by personnel of M&C TechGroup (hereinafter referred to as “M&C“) or by third parties assigned by M&C.

4. Service Personnel
4.1 The number and qualification of service personnel will be established by M&C according to the specific services ordered and in agreement with the Customer. M&C personnel will carry out exclusively services/works agreed upon in writing. Prior written agreement is necessary particularly if the M&C personnel shall additionally be involved in the training and/or instruction of Customer personnel.
4.2 If additional and/or work differing from the accepted order shall be carried out by M&C personnel at Customer’s site upon request by the Customer, this will be possible only with prior written consent of M&C. M&C personnel is neither authorized to issue legally binding statements nor to place or to accept orders in the name of M&C. The Customer is responsible to arrange for work and other permits necessary at the place where services/works are performed (other than services at M&C sites).

13. Terms & Conditions of Sale and Delivery
Additional and subordinate to these Terms of Service shall also apply the provisions of the M&C Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery. Conditions of purchase or any other terms and conditions of the Customer, if any, shall be excluded even if referred to by the Customer in its order or otherwise.