
Interactive 360° Experience

In times of social media and video platforms, we are used to being able to experience things interactively. That's why we are also taking the next logical step here by offering you an interactive 360° experience of our products.

To start with, there are two selected M&C products in different configurations that you can easily view, rotate, open and close in your browser. This gives you the opportunity to explore each product area. But that’s not all – of course, we offer you additional background material. Depending on the configuration, information on e.g. sensor types, filtering techniques, interfaces or tubing diagrams is waiting for you in the form of text, image or video. 

Now, go on a discovery tour to explore our SP2000-H Probe and our product update, the GenTwo V2.4 Analyzer. Of course, more M&C products will follow – so, have a look from time to time to make sure you don't miss anything.