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In many countries, clean-air regulations require a continuous measurement of nitrogen oxides NOx, as the sum of nitrogen dioxide NO2 and nitrogen monoxide NO, for combustion processes as soon as the share of NO2 exceeds 5 % of the total NOx emission. Due to the conversion to NO, the use of a standard NO analyzer is possible.
Gas converter type CG‑2 without bypass valves, in a 19" rack housing, with thermally insulated, compact tube furnace, with non‑heated sample inlet, electrically heated with thermocouple Ni‑CrNi and electronic temperature controller adjustable from 50 to 680 °C, with high‑ and low‑temperature alarm, connection: G 1/4" female ISO, material: SS 316Ti, Viton®, PVDF, PTFE, power: 230 V/50 Hz, 520 VA, without catalyst cartridge