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Tube 3,2 x 6,4, SR25, Masterflex
Part No.: 01T1010
Product features
Masterflex® tube specially for peristaltic pump SR25
Low tube tolerances
Color: black
Inner diameter: Ø 3.2 mm
Outer diameter: Ø 6.4 mm
Operating temperature range: max. -20 to +180 °C [-4 to +356 °F]
The precisely dimensioned M&C sample lines SL1-8 -... are used in the gas analysis technology for flexible or stationary applications, carrying sample gas, test gas, compressed air, exhaust gas, ventilation gas, condensate and liquid samples. The sample lines can be directly connected to our tube fittings, which are part of our product range 7-1... The flexible tubes are available in various dimensions and materials for different applications.