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Bellows Pump MP-F10/R/EX
Part No.: 05P1115
Product features
Full PTFE bellows pump with bypass needle valve for adjusting the pump capacity
Explosion-proof version according to ATEX suitable for gases of zone 1 and for mounting in zone 1
Pump head can be rotated in 90° steps and connected to the gas line from the top or side
Max. capacity: approx. 10 Nl/min with a counter-pressure of ±50 mbar on the vacuum and pressure side
Max. operating pressure range: 0.3 to 2.5 bar abs.
100 % lubricant-free
High level of gas tightness
Long service life
Power: 230 V/50 Hz, optionally 230 V/60 Hz
Material of sample-contacting parts: PTFE, PFA, FEP, PVDF
Optionally: upper part of the pump head made of stainless steel with bypass needle valve out of PVDF
The bellows pumps type MP-F 10...EX are suitable for mounting in Ex zone 1 IIC T3 areas and are appropriate for corrosive gases of Ex zone 1 IIC T3 areas. Their performance and construction are specially geared to meet the requirements of analytical technology.
Bellows sample pump MP‑F 10/R/EX with needle valve, material: PTFE, capacity: 600 Nl/h with a counter pressure of ‑/+ 50 mbar on the vacuum and pressure side, connections: G 1/4" f, ATEX Ex marking EX II 2 G c IIC T3 X IBExU 15ATEX B 005 X, 230 V/50/60 Hz, IP54