
Here you can download all manuals and data sheets of our products.
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Part no. Product name Data sheet Manuals
05V3165 WV PP DN 4/6 - D 12
05V3160 WV PP DN 4/6 - D 6
05V3150 VS PP DN 4/6 - D 12
05V3140 VS PP DN 10/12 - D 12
05V3135 VS PP DN 6/8 - D 8
05V3130 VS PP DN 4/6 - D 6
05V3128 VS PVDF DN 4/6 - D 12
05V3125 VS PVDF DN 10/12 - D 12
05V3120 VS PVDF DN 6/8 - D 8
05V3115 VS PVDF DN 4/6 - D 6