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CEM Middle East – International Conference and Exhibition on Emissions & Air Quality Monitoring
8–10 April 2025 | The Gulf Hotel and Convention Centre | Manama, Bahrain | Stand 24
The CEM Middle East will focus on the possibilities and solutions for air and emissions monitoring to fulfil the requirements of industrial and environmental authorities in the region. Major industries in the Middle East, such as the oil and gas sector as well as the construction and manufacturing industries, contribute significantly to air emissions impacting the environment and public health. At CEM Middle East, visitors will have the opportunity to gain valuable insights into the latest technologies, products and solutions for monitoring and measuring industrial emissions and air quality. The conference programme reflects the increasing urgency of environmental sustainability and air monitoring solutions in the region.
We cordially invite you to visit us at CEM Middle East 2025 and look forward to meeting you in Bahrain at our stand 24! Our team will be happy to present our suitable emission monitoring solutions.
Secure your free visitor ticket using the following code: MCTG-CEMME.
For registration and further information, please visit the official CEM website.