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Portable Gas Conditioning System CSS-M
Part No.: 01G2000
Product features
Portable gas conditioning system with Peltier gas cooler
Compact design with low weight of approx. 11 kg [≈ 24.3 lbs]
Gas flow rate: max. 70 Nl/h
Gas outlet dew point adjustable from +2 to +15 °C [+35.6 to +59 °F]
The M&C portable gas conditioning unit CSS-M is designed to carry out precise gas analyses at different locations.The entire gas conditioning unit is housed in a robust aluminium-frame case to enable the user to carry out gas analyses quickly, reliably and with little maintenance. The CSS-M gas conditioning unit is suitable for variable, discontinuous use as well as for continuous operation. The components built into the CSS-M gas conditioning unit can be used for standard applications.
Portable gas conditioning system type CSS‑M for 70 Nl/h in a steel‑sheet housing, consisting of: Peltier gas cooler ECP, regulated to 5 °C, fine filter FPF‑2 with liquid alarm, sample gas pump N3KPE, peristaltic pump SR25.2 and flow meter FM40, power: 230 V/50 Hz, the sample gas pump starts automatically when the gas cooler falls below +8 °C