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Self-Regulating Sample Line 4/30-4
Part No.: 01B6405
Product features
Self-regulating, electrically heated sample line
Sold by the meter for on-site assembly or optionally factory-assembled according to your specifications
Inner tube is replaceable
Holding temperature at -20 °C [-4 °F] ambient temperature: +30 °C [+86 °F]
Max. length allowed for -20 °C [-4 °F] ambient temperature: 52 m
Available up to a length of 99 m
Inner tube made of PTFE with Ø DN 4/6
Outer jacket is a black corrugated PA hose
Operating pressure: max. 3 bar g
Electrical connection: for on-site assembly directly at the heater band, for factory-assembled sample lines with 1 m silicone connection cable
Power: 230 V, 115 V available as option
Optionally: factory assembly, accessories for on-site assembly
The electrically heated, self-regulating M&C sample lines 4/... are used in gas analysis sytems for the transport of sample gas from the sample point to the gas conditioning system. They prevent measurement faults in the lower temperature ranges from +5 °C to +100 °C and protect the system against freeze. However, temperature monitoring of the total heated line is not possible due to the function as parallel heater band.
Self‑regulating, electrically heated sample line type 4/30‑4, inner liner: replaceable PTFE tube DN 4/6 and outer jacket: corrugated PA hose, power consumption: 32 W/m at +10 °C, holding temperature: +30 °C at ambient ‑20 °C, price per meter