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Heated Sample Line 4N4/6-W
Part No.: 03B4000W
Product features
Electrically heated sample line completely assembled according to your specifications
Inner tube is replaceable
Operating temperature: max. +100 °C [+212 °F]
Available up to a length of 30 m (sold by the meter)
Inner tube made of PTFE with Ø DN 4/6
Outer jacket is a black corrugated PA hose
Operating pressure: max. 3 bar g
Power: 230 V supplied by external temperature controller, 115 V (up to a length of 13 m) available as option
Optionally to a length of 23 m: connection fitting type A, B or C with 1.5 m electrical cable and 7 pin-plug for max. 10 A, temperature controller TRD-H1, end fitting type X or Y
Optionally for a length between 23.1 and 30 m: connection fitting type A, B or C with 1.5 m electrical cable and 5 pin-plug for max. 20 A, temperature controller TRD-H3, end fitting type X or Y
The electrically heated, plug-in M&C sample lines series 4-N/M/H are used in gas analysis systems to avoid a distortion of measuring values and they also serve as anti-freeze protection during the transport of the sample gas from the sample point to the gas conditioning system or directly to the heated analyzer (above dew point).