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Gas Sample Probe SP2000-H320/S.2
Part No.: 20S5010
Product features
Special probe for gas sampling downstream of DeNOx plants (SCR)
Including heated separating vessel in the gas outlet with glass globe fillings to enlarge the reaction surface
Separating vessel can be heated up to max. 180 °C [356 °F], filter housing and mounting flange can be heated up to max. 320 °C [608 °F]
No salt formation in the heated filter part
Temperature sensor: Pt100
Double temperature controller for sample probe and separating vessel included
With test gas connection
With ceramic filter element, other materials available
Power: 230 V
Material of sample-contacting parts: stainless steel, graphite, ceramic, Hastelloy®, glass, FKM, PTFE, PVDF
Optionally: 2- or 3-way ball valve, check valve for test gas inlet, sample tube, pre-filter, protective housing (FRP)
M&C has developed a special sampling technique for continuous sampling of waste gas in DENOX plants (SCR) where NH3 is added to the flue gas in order to reduce the NOX content. This new sampling technique has also proved to be suitable for processes with very high pollutant concentrations. In these applications, the measurement of NOX, SO2 and O2 concentrations is a major problem. With temperatures of < 300 °C, ammonium salts are produced due to the chemical reaction of NH3 and SO2/SO3 in the flue gas. This salification is blocking filters and sample lines in a short period of time. The special M&C gas sample probe SP2000-H320/S represents a good solution for these problems.
Sample probe type SP2000‑H320/S.2 with external ceramic filter type S‑2K150, filter porosity: 2 µm, filter element seals and lid seals out of graphite, external filter electrically heated from 0 to 320 °C, with Pt100 sensor incl. weather protection shield with thermal insulation, mounting flange: DN 65 PN 6B with female thread G 3/4", incl. flange gasket and screws, pre‑separator out of glass/Hastelloy® separator heated to >180 °C with double temperature controller in a wall‑mount enclosure IP54 mounted on a base plate out of aluminium, material: SS 316Ti, ceramics, graphite, glass, PVDF, PTFE, Hastelloy®, calibration gas connection: 6 mm tube with plug, sample gas outlet: GL18‑8 with PVDF connector for tube DN 4/6, power: 230 V/50 Hz, 1100 W